Friday, March 9, 2012

Another weekend adventure

I'm feeling less than creative this morning, so please bare with me while I attempt to put together some cohesive thoughts.

Tomorrow's schedule calls for a fourteener on the trails.  I'm having a little trouble estimating distances on some of these trails, due to the lack of an accurate topo map.  I know, I can always snag one, but what the hey?  I am working in a new trail (the McGowan Mountain Trail) tomorrow.  It's mostly ridge line, so hopefully it will be drier.  Also, there has been less precipitation this week than last.  I can tell you, it felt like I was running down the middle of a stream on many parts of the Otter Creek Trail, which follows its namesake stream and is naturally wet.  Some of the little "streamlettes" on the trail actually had some visible current.

I talked with John Logar earlier this week.  John is recently back from an Alaskan 100 miler where he had a great finish.  I don't know how he tolerates the extreme winter conditions.  He ran the Arrowhead 135 last winter and night time temps dropped to minus 35 F.  Brrrr!  At any rate, I always enjoy talking about running with him.  He is very supportive and offers sage advice based on his many ultra experiences.  "Hydrate, eat, and 'don't fall' "  Actually the 'don't fall' is my advice to myself.  Seriously though, John talks about ankle strength, leg strength, mental toughness, among other things as benefits of trail running, and has actually convinced me I can finish Highlands Sky before they shut the course down (12 hours).

The weather for this weekend looks good.  Sunny (YES!!!) and warmer.  Should be in the low 50's Saturday and nearly 70 on Sunday.  That's here in town of course, so subtract 10 degrees for the Otter Creek.  Still, it way beats last weekend.

I have gotten a lot of positive feedback from new readers of my blog.  For that I am grateful.  I welcome any ideas or suggestions anyone may have, both from a training perspective as well as a "blogging" standpoint.

Have a great run!

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